Philosophy of human or artificial reasoning

  • Artificial agents and morality
  • Artificial extension of human cognitive capacities
  • Artificial intelligence and epistemology
  • Consciousness in artificial intelligence
  • Epistemic virtues: emotions and rationality
  • Epistemological status of reasoned beliefs
  • Ethical and legal challenges of conversational robots
  • Intelligence and rationality: distinction and intricacy
  • Robot law and ethics on artificial reasoning
  • Strong artificial intelligence: criticism and criticism of criticism

Psychology of human reasoning

  • Belief revision
  • Conceptual thinking
  • Decision-making
  • Influence of language and culture on thought
  • Judgments of probabilities and other quantities
  • Neuropsychology of reasoning
  • Pragmatics
  • Reasoning, either deductive, inductive, abductive, causal, moral, …
  • Theory of Mind
  • Thinking and disabilities

Human-Machine Interaction (HRI, HCI, ….)

  • Acceptance and Trust in artificial agents
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Artificial agents for inclusion
  • Best practices and overlapping lessons learned from deploying conversational agents
  • Design of conversational agents such as coaching chatbots
  • Evaluation of artificial agents
  • Explainability of artificial agents
  • Lifespan approaches of using digital devices in psychology (education, remediation, special needs)
  • Psychologically based models of artificial intelligence
  • Sociocultural aspects of the use of artificial agents